JUN 15 1962 National Academy of Sciences National Research Council 2101 Constitution Ave., N. W. Washington 25, D. C,. SPACE SCIENCE BOARD ——— = oe — = oe ee — ee ee June 7, 1962 MEMORANDUM TO: Members, Biological Coordinating Group, Space Science Board FROM: | G. A. Derbyshire There are two items that require the Group's attention on a rather urgent basis: First, the Office of Space Sciences -- Biosciences Programs, has informally asked for reaction to a proposal that fecal waste be jettisoned from manned space- craft of the Gemini and Apollo series, This would be accomplished both in orbital and lunar landing missions. No other details of the situation are available, We could:(1) simply refer to existing national sterilization policy; (ii) ask why this idea is being considered; (iii) react straight out or,(iv) convene a meeting to discuss, Please let me know your desireé as soon as you can, Second, the bibliography on Aerospace Medicine and Biology, which has been published for some time by a staff at the Library of Congress under Arnold Jacobius is in danger of being discontinued, It is supported by NASA and the Air Force with some contribution from the FAA. This is a project about which the Armed Forces - NRC Committee on Bioastronautics felt strongly, It has been catching up on old literature, planning to be current in 1964, I believe, and publishing, in addition to its bound annual volumes, monthly in the Journal of Aerospace Medicine. A copy is enclosed for your review, The Space Science Board should assume some responsibility for this activity after critical review of the product it can (i) be silent --+ in which case the situation remains unchanged, and the necessary support may not be forthcoming; (ii) endorse the enterprise in its present form, and thus perhaps improve the funding situation; (iii) undertake to play a role in improvement together with an endorsement in principle of its general value, I hope you can let me have your views on these questions soon. Enclosure