June 18, 19628 Mr. @.A. Derbyshire Space Sclence Board National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington 25, 9.¢. Dear George: Reference, your letter of June 7. 1. & can see no drastic reasons to react strongly to the proposal that LY fecal wastes be Jettisaned elther In terrestrial orbit or In luner landing missions. Whatever risks ere Involved are already éncampassed In the YD hezard of fiying the astronaut himself. There alght ,thowever, be sase SS more enctional reaction to this that ought te be cautioned against and kept In mind In detalling the disposal. 1¢ would be unfertunate If large amounts of contaminated materia! were Indescriminately scattered over the lunar surface, especially if this were done In such a wey at to make It Impossible to Identify the polnt of deposition. Again, this Is a hazard thet may very well attach to man himself, but there 1s no point in golng out of our way to create difficulties. Such wastes should, therefore, be deposited anly in hermetically sealed contatners together with substantial amounts of sone long lived radioactive isetope thet could be used retrospectively as a tracer. Such deposits should also be made only in the lamediate vicinity of sites well established as luner bases, the vicinity of which will have to be regarded @ potentially highly contaminated in any cease. These considerations should be sufficiently self evident, particularly In regard to the avoidence of less wal! Informed reactions thet | do not bel leve there is much point fn organizing any specie) discussion unless the reactions to your letter Indicate a wide divergence of eplaion. These remarks are not Intended es an endorsement of a contamination policy at the present time, but reflect the bellef that before manned lunar flights are actual ly attempted we will have sufficient information about the lunar environment to better evaluate the general hazards of luner contamination. The bibl lography on derospace Medicine and hes very dublous value by comparison with the other tation ectivities to which NASA Is now committed. However, you will understand whet my reaction to this material 1s conditioned by my own special Interests which may not be quite congruent with those of people more actively concerned with the fleld of space medicine. Mr. @.A. derbyshire 2 dune 18, 1962 Rather than expend auch onersy on this particular Issue, { think the Board could serve a much more useful function by watchdogging the whole Information pregrem In NASA or at least being sure thet this does have the benefit of critical review by scientists whe use it. (Qn the whole | think they ere doing very well now, but this is gust by comperisen with the medieval programs Ja the handling of information tn other agencies.) Yours sincerely, doshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL: Jc