March 19, 1962 Mr. G.A. Derbyshire Space Sclence Board National Academy of Sclences 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington 25, 0.C. Dear George: As you know, | will be unable to attend the forthcoming COSPAR meeting in April as t will be on a lecture In Japan. {t is difficult to see at the present time Just what will be going on at COSPAR In the area of exoblology. However, In the event that any really signifi- cant discussions appear to be forthcoming, might | suggest that my colleague here, Dr. Ellfott C. Levinthal, be named as an alternate In my place for the working group on experiments to participate In any such discussions. Should the eventuality be imminent, { suggest that you call Or, Levinthal here and he might be able to arrange to attend on quite short notice. This does seem to be quite unlikely at the present time, but as Levinthal Is in charge of much of our program and will be familiar with the detalis of it, he could maxe valuable contributlons. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics (9