In resSonse to GD's wire, and further to ous telephone conversation/ March 5,1962 Memo To: SSB Executive Committee From: 0 Lederberg Subject: Policy on International Cooperation in Space. 1. We ere continually being trespel by the USSR into a polarization of cooperation in space by bilateral arreenent. Thaés merely focusses more attention on the contest. There is no svccial virtue in our "cooperation" with the USSR that tends to exclude the useful role of other nations. 2, COSPAR is oriented towards eliciting communication from the USSR. But it tenis to undercut the political role of the UN in establishing global asoirations for extraterrestrial exploration. COSPAR itself is inherently iynata impotent fron a political staninoint, which is precisely why the USSR insists on it as a sole channel. 3. XXKSXUMXGSN I recomend that we unilaterally take all possible measures to strengthen the role of the UN as the vehicle of earthly ventures into space. We should offer whatever facilities we can, regardless of what the USSR does for its part. We can reasonably exnect either a co-partickpation on their part, or if they hold back, at worst that US-NASA will be the chosen technical vehicle for the effort. (This would be analogous to the UN's sponsorship of the Korean war, in the face of USSR on 0sition; whatever the denerits$ or merits or this, it was at least a politically far more tenable position than a US national effort in Korea would have been.) 4, Our stated aspirations. should then be that the vehicles exploring celestial bodies should aarry the UN flag, and whatever possible substance to international participation would justify this. Tnis should also imply the participation of non-US nationals in orbital, lunar flight, etc. 5. All this is baded on the vremise that we really are trying to denationalize the exploration of space, which may be open to some question, especially in Congress. If this is not a feasible goal, we should be care‘ul not to be trapped by our own proposals. 6. On the other hand, it would be futile andenervating to propose cooveration only at a technical level, without the rolitical implications inherent in UN scoonsorshio. Exchange of policy ani delegation of responsibility is possible at the too; except in a few areas -~ synontic experimentation; tracking....~---~ it would frustrate detailed experimental organization at operational tevels, except insofar as other nationals could be welcomed as participants in our snace laboratories. 7. Harry Brown should be in touch with you anent specific USSR proposals male at the Stowe conference. But I am opposed to adopting broad policy (contra technical implenentation) ak by bilateral agreement, unless we mean to scrap the UN altogether.