2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE CABLE ADDRESS: NARECO WASHINGTON 25, D. C. WASHINGTON, D. Cc. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA fp | SPACE SCIENCE BOARD! S Jf \ Ne Yo Jensary 4, 1962 br. Calin 5. Pittendrigh Department of Biolosy Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey Dear Pitt: i have read your thoughtful letter of vecember 31, 1961 with great interest. It is certaialy timely for an authoritative Board statement on the biological sciences to be daveloped for the use of the newly organized NASA Office of Space Sciences -- end I agras completely with the approach outiined in your letter. I om appointing you Chairman of en ad hoe committee on Life Selencea to develop a definitive position ia this area far consid- eration by the full Board. By capy of thia letter, I am also @ppotnting Mesere. Hartline, Lambertsen and Lederberg as members of the Life Scleaces Committee. The terms of reference for this com- mittee are well set forth in your letter -- 1 have taken the liberty of asking the Secretariat to include s copy of this commaicatioa with the letters to your committee mambers. Some related coments from Hartline and Urey have been received and are also included. i hope that you can convene this group within the next two or threa weeks: so that the Board's positioa can be available to the WASA ag soon a0 possible. Sincerely yours, L. ¥. Berkner Chairmen enc, ec: br. Hartline Br, Lambertsen Dr, Lederberg