S fo = _ September 30, 1960 Or. Lioyd V. Berkner, Chairman Spece Science Board President, Associated Universities, inc. 10 Columbus Circle New York 19, New York Dear Lloyd: ! can acknowledge the meeting that has been arranged for Sunday evening, October i6th et the Rockefeller institute to discuss Spece Board problems In biology. My plane Is due to arrive at about 4:30 and It is therefore quite likely that | will be juste a little late; f will try to call in to the Rockefeller institute switchboard if there is any undue delay. Because | may be a bit late, | think it may be useful for me to communicate my own reactions to the correspondence between you and Or. Cannon concern- Ing space biology. in his letter of September 22, of which | have « mimeo- graphed copy, Or. Cannon put it very well - that | am quite deeply Involved with exoblology (in addition to ay other academic and research responsibilities) and have neither the time nor, may | say, the Inclination to become Involved In other aspects of applied biology. { had thought that the establishment of our three committees would solve all the problems that Dr. Cannon has In mind, | myself can see no rationale for an elaborate superstructure of biology, any more than you have one for the physical sciences and their concern in space. in any case, | would suggest that exoblology has deeper Interests in common with the Committees on Planetary Exploration and Chemistry end Planetary Atmospheres than It does with the principal disciplines for which the Bloastroneutics Committee had been established orlginally. Let me summarize my reaction then, that i do not favor the establishment of en overall life sciences committee; that If one is formed, | would be unable to accept any additional responsibilities in connection with It; end that fn any case, exoblology be dissociated from its implied jurisdiction. Naturally, these are just the questions we are going to be talking about but i mention them In this letter on the chance that | might be late end in hopes thet you will not have pre-Judged this position before | join the group. Things are Just beginning to move seriously on the experimental side now, for the development of exobla!l detectors and i'm Just beginning to have Some confidence that we may be able to have useful experiments ready in time. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics