September 25, 1961 Mr. G.A. Derbyshire Space Sclence Board National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington 25, D.C. Dear George: By chance ! had an opportunity to see Academician Sisakyian yesterday In the course of his tour following the conferences at Stowe, Vermont. We exchanged oolite regrets concerning the poor attendance of American sclentIsts at the exobiology discussion in Moscow last month and the reasons for this. ! stressed the desirability of some further discussions along these lines, but after more careful preparation and with a minimum of two months notice after specific arrangements had been worked out. | Indicated thet for my pert and In expectation of my colleagues that we could meet essentially any- where and at any time that would be of useful effect provided that we could have this advanced notice. |! now feel that it would not be advisable to join this kind of Informal discussion to another large meeting, or to the COSPAR session as this would only exaggerate the organizational problems and the political Implications of the meeting. In any cese the majority of the people directly Involved In this area would not be esvecially interested In COSFAR business otherwise. One suggestion that might be worth considering is to ask that the meeting be held elsewhere In Europe but at a time that would be conveniently apposed to the Planetary Astrophysics Colloqlum In Liege, next July. Sisakylan seemed to be reasonably congenial to these proposals in principle, and | left stressing that the next move would be up to him to make @ response to these suggestions. 1! will write to him In a few days to remind him of these conversations and again to ask for a definite response. | also had a very good time with Igor Tamm, whom I've met before, and who Is | think much more friendly to the spirit of International scientific cooperation. Tamm also suggests that such discussions be held on a very Informal basis, but with definite planning and apart from any other organ! zat!ona! arrangements. Incidently, the Pugwash serles of conferences has been a great success for these reasons, while even COSPAR has become a quite political enterprise. Sisakylan expressed an Interest In seeing the volume Sclence in Space and | hope you can do the good turn of sending him one as | promised would be done. | am calling a meeting of the exobliology committee to be held In the Faculty Room, Dean's Office, here on Saturday, October 28. This will be a technical session to review some of the now more explicit plans for blological experiments on the Mariner B and Voyager miss!ons. The various people at NASA Mr. G.A. Derbyshire 2 September 25, 1961 ere quite anxious to have this kind of supporting advice, and are not yet quite prepared to take over the consultation work within thelr own framework, so | think we can kill two birds with one stone. | will be sending out formal Invitations to the usual membership of Committee 14, and the ex officio members from the related committees within e couple of days. 1 leave It to you whether it will be particularly worth your ow time and effort to attend. 1 plan to ba In Washington on October & and wil! call you to find out If there is anything current that might be more conveniently discussed at closer hand. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics