September 26, 1960 Mr. George Derbyshire Space Science Board 1145 19th Street, NOW, Room 716 Washington 6, 0.C. Gear George: Thanks for the description of MeArthur's microscope. in fact | visited him tn London lest April and brought back one of his Instruments at that time. it Is a handy gadget, but actually even more complicated than anything we would need on a spacecraft. But it has a real use In fleld work. For a vidicon read out we would Just bolt an objective lens right on the camera; no eyepiece Is needed in this case. As you will have noted, | am calling Committee 14 for a meeting on October 29. You are, as always, very cordially welcome; but you ought to decide yourself whether you should spend the tlme and cost of the trip. If there are any new task requirements that C-14 should be briefed on, this would be a particular reason for your attendance; otherwise It ml ght be mainly for your own Information. The arrangements can be handled quite smoothly here -- let my secretary (now Mrs. Jo Holst]) know of any needs for accomodations. Will the Board be active In any way at the Paci fle Sclence Congress at Honolulu In August 19617 | notice Lioyd Berkner's name on the national committee (for geophysics). Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/jh