September 26, 1960 Memo to File Call from George Derbyshire: This essentially went over the material covered in my letter of today's date which, of course, he had not received at the time he made the call. He was anxious to try to get a meeting of the space board biologists including Hartline, Pittendrigh, Lambertsen and myself, together with Keith Glennan and Lloyd Berkner to form the last stages of transition of the Bioastronautics Committee. Evidently there is some pressure to maintain some sort of executive committee structure in continuing their activities. The available dates from Lbyd Berkner's point of view were the evening of the 18th in Washington, any part of the day on October 23 in Washington, October 25 in New York. Needless to say, these are almost all out of the question but he will see what he can do about arranging something at either the begin or end of my own Princeton trip. He reminded me that it would be desirable to invite Pittendrigh and/or Lambertsen to this next meeting and this will be done. George indicated that he himself would probably come out too. He also thought that somebody from NASA was likely to attend - either Clark Randt or possibly Dick Young. We will presumably go over the question of the particular role that the Space Science Board Committee in relation to the NASA committees.