U.S, Army Chemical Corps Research and Development Command U.S. ARMY BIOLOGICAL WARFARE LABORATORIES Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland CMIRD-BW-10-PD 2 June 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: As I stated over the telephone, I will be able to attend your exobiology committee meeting on the 25th. I believe you said some- thing about the 2th over the telephone but as you suggested, I will clear up these details with Mr. Derbyshire. I see no good reason why NASA should not pick up the tab for the bill as I plan to do some chores for them at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the same trip and besides, I am sure that they have more money. Those blueprints I sent mean very little to me too, but the engineers here seem to think this is the only way to convey informa- tion to another engineer. Incidentally, we are about to let a large (for us) contract with Douglas Aircraft to work on detection systems for us. A Dr. Konecci who is Director of Life Science for them in Santa Monica was quite interested in the sterilization and other space problems. This may be a place where biology and instrumentation engi- neers meet. I will go into this further when I see you. I have not contacted Dr. DuShane again concerning the paper, since I hope to do a little more rewriting and polishing on it before hand. I should have it ready to send him in a relatively short time. Sincerely, Chevlce CHARLES R. PHILLIPS Chief, Physical Defense Division