March 25, 1960 MERANDEN TO: R. CG. Peavey FROM: @. A. Derbyshire SUBJECE: Biology Committee Functions and Orgenisation Discussions between Rartline and Lederberg with the background of the Committee's deliberations developed the portions of biology in space thought to be the concern of the Space Science Board, These con- cerns require some additigual members of the Committee and a reorgani- sation to provide for adequate coverage. Also discussed was the neces- sity for adding to the Board membership to give an improved balance between the physical and the biological. I. Area of interest a) Biology experiments which are of significant scientific value in themselves but which may not be directly related to manned space flight. Specifically excluded are: studies of ecological systems, acceleration stress, and engineering of protective systems. b) Four specific categories currently stand out as of specific interest: 1. Rxoblology anc. the detection of extraterrestrial life forma, problems ef sterilizstion and decontamination, protection of the earth from beck-contamination. (This is by far the most interesting of the group.) 2. Radiation biology in space - studies of the effects of the radiations in space on terrestrial orgeniems and highly organized systems. 3. Environmental biology - studies of the effecta of the space environment on terrestrial life forms - e.g. the eero gravity on terrestrial dependent ghythms, the effects of weightlessness on biological orientation and other ties to the terrestrial environment. 4. Men's role in space - the objective evaluation of man's functions as part of an integrated system. Implicit in these activities is the necessary ground-based back- ground research and activity which sust either precede or be concurrent with space experiments. Also of importance is the necessity for pre- weating stupid experiments that will actually adversely affect the program and participation by biologists of stature. c) Instrumentation - those special instruments and instrument systems that will be required as a means for performance of experinenta. TI. Organigetion end Membership We visualise Gomaittes 11, now renamed Biological Research, aa the parent or board of directors, with each membar being assigned a sub-committees task: Martline and Lederberg as members of a1] sub-committees. lla - Exobiology,- Lederberg and Francis together with the old Weatex group. lld + Radiation biology - OGurtis and Farr (could be augnented by the bio-astronauts panel of which Gurtis is also chairman) llc ~ Environmental biology - need a chairman. Suggestions; Pittrindrigh, Mastings, Steinbdach. 11d - Man's role in space ~ need a chairman. Suggestions: Licklider, Lambertson, Fitts, Fann. In addition recommend that the general instrument coumittes of the Bosrd be activated and that it include on its roster Scuitt and MacNichol to represent bio interests. 122. Add to Board In the opinion of the Committee, the Board membership needs better balance ~- it is now heavily weighted to the physical sciences. Meeded is someone in psychology - Fitts?; physiology - Fenn?; Laabertson?; Steinbach?. This will have to be discussed with Bronk/Berkner, Martline; moreover, biclogy needs more than two specialists to represent its broad views. Random thought: Biologists as a whole sre nct too anxious to give up their current research interests to go into space related activities. It may be difficult to get sound scientists to do this. Exceptions are those noted above who are known to have some interest.