March 29, 1960 eet ve a Dr. JohnlA. O'Keefe Theoret | on Goddard Spece Filght Center 8719 Colesville Road Silver Spring, Maryland Dear Or. O'Keefe: Thank you for your letter of March lith. J would certainly be very enthusiastic about following up the approaches suggested in your letter. We have already discussed some simller projects bus 1 do not belleve any of them is being actively studied. The survivorship of bacterla In chemical explosions has been studied by the Biological Warfare Laboratories at Fort Detrick and it might be worthwhile to consult Or. Charles Phillips there for currant Information that might relate to your suggestion. There is another possible hazard to smal! particles of certain sizes that Jikewlse deserves further Investigation. This would be the Tabor Effect which would apply to particles of approximately micron size. Werner Suom!l belfeves that such particles would have great difficulty in resirradiating at Infrared weve lengths larger than thelr own dimensions. However, they could sttll efficiently absorb at lower wave lenghts. Consequently, their equilibrium temperatures might be very high indeed. Smaller particles would be exposed to the shorter ultraviolet and the corpuscular radiation without shielding and be destroyed by these. {f these arguments’ are true the smallest effective vehicle for surviving organisms would have to be et least several microns in diameter. Is the Tabor Effect well enough understood that its application to the present case would be entirely straight- forward? Your suggestion, the frequency of microorganisms at high altitudes, Is an extremely important one‘cn many counts. Belleve it or not, we have no really useful data or the frequency at altitudes above about 30,000 feet? There ere many rasons why the detalled profile of bacterlaebearing dust should te Intensively studied. At one time there were strong arguments tio doubt that such particles could be carried above the tropopause ‘but now that turbulence, even in the lonosphere, Is a more respedtable concept the whole question should perhaps be reinvestigated. © Certainly bacteria should be among the most reliable indices of terrestrial origin. At very high altitudes efforts should be made to collect ‘micrometeorites on sterile filters end on non-carbonaceous fliters In order to establish the incidence of 1) microorganisms, and 2) perticles comprised of carbor, nitroyen etc. which should be abundent among meteoroids of cometary origin. -2- These experiments would quite appropriately relate to probes on balloons, rockets and recoverable satellites In order to sample various altitudes. Once again the Biological Warfare Laboratories should have both the interest and experience to tie Into such a program. { will be very happy to lend any possible assistance to this. In principle your third suggestion Is equally promising. However, the difficulty with studying any object that has reached the earth's surface Is the uncertainty whether it may be contaminated by terrestrial materials. A level of contamination that would be chemically insignificant could make the investigation worthless from a blological point of view. However, | certainly agree that all such objects should be carefully analysed not only for their mineral constituents but also for the carbonaceous compounds which have been all but ignored in past studies. Calvin's recent findings on carbonaceous chondrites are most exciting. We have learned absolutely nothing about the Russian program In exoblology except the bare statements, of which you must already be aware, that they are taking due precautions. | do not think that decontamination presents any serious fundamental problems; of course a successful program does require a sincere concern for the problem and a consequent willingness to take some pains In the treatment and handling of the payloads. While a formidable effort may therefore be necessary, It should still be relatively insignificant compared to the goals at stake and to the other effort that goes into the development of the vehicles and the payloads. Mr. Derbyshire at the Space Science Board Secretariat, has a number of reports from the exobiology subcommittee of the Space Science Board. These are, of course, transmitted to NASA In a formal way but | am sure that he would be happy to furnish additional coples and to be of any additional assistance possible. t'm also sending a copy of this reply to Clark Randt In the new office of Life Sciences; we have, of course, been discussing some of these projects and that office should be instrumental in helping to get them underway. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics cC: Or. Clark Randt Dr. Robert Jast row