Denze1— Dear sy: / ” Could we persuade ypu to pay us a visit sometime this fall? I am very anxious 1) that my students meet you, and 2) to compare notes oh the ulti- mate recons —- we're fairly ddpply involved now fin th Lac, and Gal segments. We are not replete with travel funds, but I can guarantee your actual expenses & we'd bey very happy if you'd stay with us as we have lots of room. (Bring Alan too if he's imclined, but we can only pay travel for one ata time). This is an informal, personal invitation for a research conference; you won't have to make any speeches unless you particularly want to, though I would aak you to review the latest in a seminar (at home) for the lab groups Just to names one @ate, which is faébrly soon, Nov. 1 would suit us fine, but name any other that would fit your convenience. I'll be away next weekend; otherwise will be fairly unfformly at home. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg