National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue, N. W. oki: Washington 25, D, C, SPACE SCIENCE BOARD April 13, 1959 MEMORANDUM - SSB~77, To: Members, Space Science Board Members, Committee on Space Projects ADM: ORG: NAS: Space Sc F Requests for Support: Pre posals: Stanford U: Extra terrestrial Contaminatior Dection of Life on Other Planets: Lederberg J Members, Committee on Psychological and Biological Research From: R. C, Peavey, Secretary Subject: | Report by peepuashua Lederberg on the Problem of Extraterrestrial Contamination The enclosed material has been received from Professor Joshua Lederberg of Stanford University. At the suggestion of Dr, Rossi, he has been responsible for several conferences of interested scientists on the West Coast where the problem of extraterrestrial contamination has been considered, You will note that three projects are proposed by the group, at least two of which seem appropriate for the Board to sponsor. These proposals will be a topic of discussion at the next Board meeting, May 7-9, It is hoped that the comments of Committces 6 and ll can be available to the Board at that time. Odotu.y- od my U Preliminary studies on Planetary Biology At the request of Prof. Bruno Rossi, acting for the NAS Spece Science Board, Prof. Joshue Lederbarg convened a group of biolog:sts at west Coast valversities to review seme problems of policy in the Space research program (particularly bio- logical contamjnation), to Suggest some tangible experimental approaches to the detection of I} fe on other planets, and to stimulate broader interest on the part of biological gctentists generally so as to evoke further proposals for experimen- tation. This groupohas met on two occasions so fer: February 21, 1959 (Stanferd) end March 21, 1959 (Jet Propulsion Labs., Pasadena); a next meeting is scheduled fer May 3, 19% (Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pac: fic Grove). In ad- dition to the members listed below, we have had representatives from the Stanford Research Institute, from JPL and NASA (A. Hibbs ano R. Davies). We have reported to the WAS through Ross! and Odishaw at the Washington office, and to WASA via Hibbs and Davies, and afye by letter Co Jastrow (en the lunar exploration working group at NASA headquarter’). We have also reported to COSPAR (CETERK) vy correspondence with Wughes and with Peter Alexander. A jargen, self-indicateo neme fer owr group has been 'WESTEX'. It6 university members have been: (1) s:gnifies ene atg. attended, | Wa ef Californias (serkelay): {. Yu of Cal. (Daves): | WV. of Oregea: | Calvin Chemistry Marr Bactariclegy Novick Slophysi ca Mazia(!) Zoology | Cal, Inst, of Technology: } Stenier(I) Bacteriology (te della): 4. Horowitz Biology | Stent Virof | Weaver Astroney { Urey (1) Chemistry Stanford Univers! ty: | The composition of the group therefore reflects Ven Niel Microbiology a bulence between diversity of Interest ond locale Kreaskogf Geochenistry and compactness of size, and convenience of assembly. Lederberg Genetics | Doubtless we could profit by special talents of other (recorder) members, but the group should not be enlarged to the ‘point where frequent and easy assembly becomes difficult, or where frank end casuel discussion is ingibited. While many members doubtless came to the first meeting with some sense Of amusement end frévolity, it is obvious that the group as @ whole is enxious to devote Itself to teckiing tne preoviems of blologicel exploration with earnest endeavour. Many of its memvers are recogrized a8 Jeaders in their own scientific fields, and In tnalr ecodemic communities. They heve mény other responsibjiities. Nevertheless, there wes unen | meout enthusiees for che continuetion of its studies, end for meetings at relatively fre- quent Intervals for autua!l education and discussion. For this purpose, end to bridge tne gap betweer emploratory discussions and preliminary experiments On one side, end tangible proposels ena instrumentation for peyloeds on the other, we wil! coquire a substentiel measure and continuity of finenciel support. in this proposeil, several grades of support are indicated for more and more comprehensive activities. wrnile the lest and largest items might be deferred pending the elaboration of more eamplicit proposels, we should have prompt verification of support for our current discussions. mainly devoted to problems of policy bn celestial contamination, In view of urgent needs for the CETEX-COSPAR meetings. In brief we concluded that oe besic poliey of rigorous decontamination of space probes wes both essential end feasible, -- modern methods of sterilization having been overlooked in other discussions. At the second | mesting, this policy was reaffirmed. We then heard from Sinton on Infra-red refiection spectre of Mars, which have furnished virtually conclusive evidence for ‘vegetation’. we are digesting’ s number of idees for improving the quality of this type f Information from ‘sefe' (viz. distant approaches), and chis will doubtless be the mala tople for the neer future. Finally we have in mind the careful preplanding of jo Wei nutes of Westen's first meetings , ere -eppended, The fiest meeting (westex-!) was experiments based on ‘soft andings’, especially on Mars, predicating these for about 1965. This will allow Somewhat over two years for decisions on the most efficient types of experiments, leeving an equal length of time for the develop- ment and testing of the corresponding instrumentation. This timetadle wh le not Oppressive still does not allow for an indefinite waste of time. If properly sup- ported, perhaps this might be one program that can be pursued with reasonable dilie 9Ence and care rather than frantic haste. There is of course the possidllity that the schedule may be aceelerated (or delayed) by unforeseen technicel factors, or by the pressure of international competition. Specifications for the vicinal probes are perhaps already under substantial pressure cf time, National Academy of Sciences SPACE SCIENCE BO4RD 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington 25, D. C. Enclosure from a letter to Dr. Hugh Odishaw from Professor Joshua Lederberg, Stanford University, dated March 25, 1959, distributed to Space Science Board members in SSB #77 Proposal: Westex (A) Travel, Communications for continued meetings of the Westex Group. $6,000 per year, This is based on holding about 10 meetings per year at various locations. There is a substantial advantage in meeting at different places, not only for the convenience of its peripheral members, and to help assure their attendance, but also to make further contacts with other local scientists. While the travel costs are reduced by our regional grouping, this rather facili- tates our meeting more often and more effectively for a given appropriation. In addition, there are substantial telephone charges for related business -- the more so to make the most effective use of frequent meetings. It is likely that not every member will be able to attend every meeting. On the other hand we would profit greatly by being able to invite occasional distant ‘consultants’ -- e.g. Fred Sinton at Westex-2. Admittedly, the development of a field as novel (in the U.S.) as astrobiology requires some expense for just the educa- tion of the workers who may participate in it. If permissible, some of these funds (actually an insubstantial sum) should be available for the purchase of reference materials for the use of Westex members, On the other hand, at this stage, the time of Westex members is made avail- able without cost other than expenses. Wextex (B) $7,500 one year only Preparation and Publication of background information; ‘Handbook of Planetary Biology" From the first discussions with Dr. Rossi, it has been evident that a critical requirement for the participation of U. S. biologists in space research is the collection of background information in a convenient form. This would include resumés of the Westex end 'Eastex' meetings, the essentials of present and prospective vehicle capabilities, and the environment (in the vehicle) for experimentation, and a critical discussion from the biologist's standpoint of available information on the environment of interplanetary space and the various planets. Most of this information can be found in the astronomical and other literature, but we know from our own experience how difficult it is for a biologist, who has not given much previous thought to extra- terrestrial science, to acquire this background. For example, many of our colleagues still believe that the capability for planetary probes is decades [2] away (which, hopefully, is not true) so that it would be pointless for them to attend to this challenge. While some member of CETEX may be able to rob the time from his other duties to prepare such resumés, this really is a substantial job, and there is some problem in finding a sufficiently informed enthusiast to do the work. Fortunately Mr. Carl Sagan may be available for some months this summer, and perhaps again after he completes his dissertation in astronomy (planetary atmospheres) at the Yerkes Observatory. A proposed budget would be $4,000 for a (part-time) salary to Mr. (later Dr.) Sagan as consultant to Westex, plus $3,500 for incidental costs in secretarial work, duplication, travel, reference materials. Mr. Sagan might have several functions: a) in the preparation of the consolidated reports of Westex (and, with their approval) Eastex for, perhaps, journal publication; b) as an ad- viser to Westex, particularly in the review of existing literature, and c) in the prenaration of the more extonsive handbook. This might have some 60-109 pp. The means of its dissemination is open to further discussion -- either informal distribution to some few hundred leading scientists, as a mimctographed bulletin, or publication by NASA or by a commercial publisher (which should not be difficult to arrange, if this is the best course). Westex (C) Exploratory experiments. $10,000 -- 50,000 The design of payload instrumentswill have to be backed up by a substantial amount of laboratory work, since the analytical methods are limited by restrictions on weight, closeness of approach, automation, and the communi- cation bandwidths. For example, there is realtively little published in- formation on infrared reflection spectra of various materials, as would be comparczble to Sinton's measurements on Mars. Before any member of Westex commits his own time and resources, to the point of preparing a detailed proposal of laboratory work involving large scale support, some exploratory observations should be made in one or another laboratory, or perhaps most conveniently on a subcontract basis with some institution such as Stanford Research Institute. For example, the evaluation of Sinton's work, and its use as the basis for vicinal probes, would be greatly facilitated by the measurement of diffuse reflection spectra from model spheres coated with various substances (e.g., cellulose; pastes of photosynthetic bacteria). Unquestionably many similar questions will arise (and have arisen). It would be most expeditious if funds were available to help support explora- tory trials on points which arise in our discussions. While, in terms of this proposal, these would be administered by one responsible grantee (Stanford University) it is understood that these would be available for expenditures at other institutions as will give the most expeditious results in these preliminary stages. Further development will be on the initiative ofa scientist who undertakes the responsibility for pursuing a particular program, and will prepare his own budget request for this. The scope of these explorations will probably be influenced by the funds that NASA is prepared to offer for them. I can visualize effective use of at least $10,000 per year for a rather limited scale, or perhaps $50,000 if we can have some leeway in purchase of equipment and in preliminary ine strumentation towards payload designs. Any more extensive expenditures [3] should certainly be made on the basis of explicit projects, following these explorations. These are, of course, uncommonly expensive as they require the development of new equipment modifications; in any case, even commercial- ly available equipment in the particular field of molecular spectroscopy is far from inexpensive, D. Possible Stanford Projects. This is a preliminary statement concerning the possible continua- tion of Sagan's present work after he completes his dissertation at Yerkes. He has been studying the spectra of the major planets and is interested in the identification of some lines with more complex molecules, e.g., amino acids, as must be expected to be formed photochemically on the basis of Miller's experiments. He is interested in further model experiments on the extent of organic accumulation, especially in gravitational fields -- which has an important bearing on the possibility of organic sediments, e.g., under the Jovian oceans. This is precisely the same work as is needed to support experimental designs in ultimate probes to these planets, and it fits very closely with the Martian models, in which he is no less interested. I would propose to uge the opportunity of Sagan's work as a consultant to Westex (proposal B) to lay the groundwork for a more detailed proposal. This would doubtless appear as an application over his own signature as responsible investigator, though I would support this in avery way possible. This statement is made to illustrate one way in which interim support for our group can help to build up momentum for research in planetary biology. As concerns my own participation, apart from recording these conferences and exciting the interest of my (sometimes still diffident) colleagues in biology, I would feel most at home in my personal laboratory work in contact, rather than vicinal, experiments. If we develop an inter- national policy of space exploration that assures an uncontaminated field of exploration, I should be interested in developing techniques of cultiva- tion and assay for use with soft landings. In view of the indicated time- table, I Would not need special financial support for another two or three years, especially if some exploratory resources are available from proposal