December 1, 1959 Or. Edward R. Dyer Space Seclence Boerd Secretariat 1145 19th Street, MW., Room 716 Washington 6, D. ¢. Dear Dr. Dyer: Apropos your memo dated November 13. 1! belleve that every comal ttee that has concerned [tself with planetary problems has reached much the same concluston namely that a great deal of Important preparatory work remains to be done In terrestrial laboratorles and from terrestrial observatories If we are to make the most effective use of eventual space probes. Or. Edson's remarks are particularly to the point; | wonder If the most difficult problem may be to recrétt, Indeed to find, the competent people to do the work that he suggests. However, It Is possible that F more publicity Is given to this problem this In Itself may motivate a number of people to go Into planetary work. There Is a serlous problem as to whether NASA or NSF should have primary responsibility for furthering research In these directions. | belleve that the measure of the problem is so wel! understood that it Is possibly supererogatory for more committee work at an advisory level. fnstead, | wonder if It would not suffice to merely reiterate and add more welght to the specific recommendations from the Spece Sclence Board that the adainistrations of NSF and NASA get together to work out a detatied plan. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics