December 1, 1959 Memorandum for Record From: G. A, Derbyshi Subject: Telephone Conversation with Homer Newell re NASA's Position on Decontamination In a recent letter, Lederberg has raised the following point: "Also very urgent for the same purpose is an official clarification of NASA's position on decontamination. So far as I know there has been no public statement at all and I hardly know what attribution I can properly make as to the U, S, policy on this point, I would strongly urge that a public or publishable statement be available from NASA at least by the time of the actual meeting, Calvin and I and others will have to look for explicit guidance on what we can appropriately say," As a result, I reached Newell today to determine NASA's position on the matter, He advises that no public statement concerning sterilization is planned by NASA, It is NASA's policy to sterilize space probes insofar as technically feasible and a program aimed at accomplishing this is now underway, It was his opinion that Lederberg's knowledge of this program and of NASA's expressed intentions should form the basis of any comments which he might wish to make at COSPAR, Newell will be glad to discuss the topic with either Lederberg or Calvin if they so desire but does not plan to publicize the NASA policy or program, ec: H, Odishaw R, C, Peavey Note to H,O,: Shall I convey this information to Lederberg and possibly also Calvin? Please advise,