November 16, 1959 Dr, Clark T, Randt Executive Secretary Bioscience Advisory Committee National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1520 H Street, N. W. Washington 25, BD. C. Dear Dr, Randt: At the suggestion of Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Chairman of the WESTEX Committee, Space Science Board, I am pleased to provide the enclosed ‘Material Developed by WESTEX", for the use of your Committee, The first part of the document is a draft report of the activities of this group. The second portien consists of references and material relevant to contamination of celestial bodies and possibilities of extraterrestrial life, It is planned to incorporate much of this information in the biology chapter of the Board's interim report, "Science in Space”, now echeduled for publication shortly after the first of the year, Since the material in its present form is unedited and highly preliminary, wide distribution of the document outside the immediate family is not planned nor desirable, The Board hopes that your Committee will find the informa- tien useful, Sincerely yours, G, A. Derbyshire Space Science Board Secretariat Enclosures cco: J, Lederberg H, K. Hartline