‘1 CONSTITUTION AVENUE CABLE ADDRESS: NARECO WASHINGTON 25, D. c. WASHINGTON, D. c. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SPACE SCIENCE BOARD October 16, 1959 To; Masers. H. Eeffex Hartline and Joshua Lederberg Frou: Hugh Qdishey //.’ Raclosed is a somewhat revised agenda prepared today in consul- tation with Dr. Berkner, Your attention is particularly called to item 3 of the agenda, where you are listed to make a presentation. What is desired in this presentation is a summary of space science problems and objectives, as you and your Board and committee associates now see them, based especially upon (1) past 8SB recommendations to the goverment, (2) recent deliberations of your committee, and (3) the studies for the 883 document. While you may be able to make efdective use of the material in the document now under preparation by the Board, please de act report on the decument es such: rather, utilise any auch ififormation, as well as all other, to strike con- eretely at the kind of presentation suggested above, | We are most reluctant to burden you in this way at ao late a date. However, recent developments suggest that this kind of approach, coupted with other related activity in the course of the coming meeting, may be inmeasurably productive. 680 we hope you can bear with us on this request and do the best that can be done in the short time available te you, Encl.