MEMO FROM To: Or. Derbyshire TX J. LEDERBERG RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA October6,_1959-__ Weaver and Calvin sent me a few copies of the enclosed; they may have sent the same to you but to save time | enclose one set. } think that this Is of particular Interest sO as to warrant your duplicating [It for SSB distribution. As you may know ! wil! be seeing Clark Randt's group out here on Oct. 1%. In passing, he reassured me that the NASA Blosclences Committee has already preseed hard for a prompt contract with Detrick. The Institute of Blophysics (Academy of Sciences USSR) is directed by Dr. A. M. Kuzin. The WIH list shows a ''Committee on... the Biology of Cosmic Flight'' headed by A. D. Sanya Seryapin. Is this all Laika-Bloastronautics, or are they the people we should try to meet with, either at Mice or at Westex-5?