September 29, 1959 Or. Lioyd Berkner Associated Universities, Inc. Sulte 1750, Coliseum Tower 10 Columbus Circle Mew York 19, New York Deer Or. Serkner: If there Is time at the next meeting of the Spece Sclence Scerd, 1 would welcome e discussion of the selentific velidity of the man-in- space program. WASA's sponsorship has lmplied oe scientific Justification for the program; however the lunatic fringes of Mercury can only aake space research ridiculous In the eyes of many of our scleatific col leagues. This Is s grave Impediment to the recrultment of competent blologists to undertake @ serious Interest In the space sclence progran. The Sloastroneutics Committee Is committed [n advance by its teres of reference, and | believe thet the Space Science Board Is virtually the only group capable of such an Independent eval uation. Much more could be sald about this problem, but might be better deferred to the meeting. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg CC: Wartline Odi shew