2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE CABLE ADDRESS: NARECO WASHINGTON 25, D. c. WASHINGTON, D.C. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SPACE SCIENCE BOARD oe We September 16, 1959 be. L. ¥. BSevrkner, President Associated Universities, Inc. 10 Colwebus Circle Raw York 19, 4. Y¥. Bear Liayd: i am writing in response te your letter of 17 August 1959, regarding the statement of Loftus &. Becker to the United Racions ed hee Committee on the Pesceful Veos of Cuter Space. If you continee the readiag ef the extract which you queted iu your Letter, he states that “This, then, is the inttial thinking of my Government with respect to Paragraph | {d) ef tae Resolution of 13 _ December.“ This Resolution ie cited in part on the firet page of his speech; paragraph 1 (4) refers to “The nature of legal problens which may aries in the carrying eut of programmes to explore outer spece.” we have diecuseed with State the context intended by Mx. Becker's remark about extraterrestrial life and sur contacts there confire eur faitial opinion that he wae simply saying that the U. 5. Government attaches at this time « lew prierity te the question ef lagal relations with intellisgest forms of extraterece- trial forms of life. We ourselves were somevhat concerasd with another remerk of Becker's heaving te do with public health, safety and contamination (page 7 of the preas release of May 7). Mere he states thet “tome consideration may be given to ... what agreements or regulations are needed to safeguard space or celestial bedies from contamination.” Again, State advises that Becker wan speaking in « legal context and referring te the pesatble need for iucerustional agreements and regulations. Becker's remarks should be looked st in the light of the final report of the U. N. ad hoe Comittee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on this subject, which State advises reprasents the be. L. ¥. Serkner ~2« September 16, 1959 position of the U.S. Ceverament. In this context, the Covernment endexsas the need for further studies by scientific bodies such as CETSA and COSPAR prisr to adopting any position which might lead te iuternational regulations of a legal character. in view of these reaseurences from the State Department, A do notbslieve that we weed te pursue Becker's remarks further. I om, nowever, sending copies of this letter te these who received capies of your letter to me of 17 August, ae well as te Dr. Porter. Sincerely yours, Hugh Odishaw Puegutive Olgecter cet Ur. Kartiine by. Lederberg Dr. Ferter Br. &oesi Dr. Urey