2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE CABLE ADDRESS: NARECO WASHINGTON 25, D. Cc. WASHINGTON, D. Cc. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SPACE SCIENCE BOARD August 31, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr, Lederberg: Herewith in accordance with our conversation are travel expense vouchers for participants in the forthcoming WESTEX meeting, The Academy requires that these be submitted in duplicate; however, we usually provide three copies of the form so that one may be retained by the claimant, They may be submitted directly to me and I will see that they are promptly processed for payment, I have determined that your bill for expenses already incurred in connection with WESTEX is being processed through the Academy's business office, You should receive the check within the next few days, We are all delighted that you think it will be possible to prepare a somewhat expanded version of the biology section for "Science in Space", using material developed by WESTEX, EASTEX, your ad hoc committee on sterilization and the Bio-Astronautics Panel 2 report, As we discussed briefly by telephone, areas which might be covered are: (1) biology in general and perhaps a discussion of the experiments which might benefit by being performed in space vehicles; (2) reasons for and methods of prevention of contamination by extra-terrestrial exploration; and, (3) the detection of extra-terrestrial life forms, Please let us know if the secretariat can be of any assistance in this matter, Best regards, Sincerely yours, fG, A. Derbyshf#re Space Sciente Board Secretariat Enclosures cc: H, Odishaw