NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON 25, D. C, Auguet 28, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr, Lederberg? As a member of the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences, it is necessary that you heve a Secret security clear ance for your wrk on the Board. We have been advised by Mr. George Derbyshire, a member of the staff, that at the present time you do not have an active clearance and therefore we are herewith forwarding you a set of security forms (WITH INSTRUCTION SHEET) for you to complete and return to this of- fice. Upon receipt of these papers from you, we will immediately for ward them to the proper government agency for processinge Thanking you for your attention and cooperation in this matter, I am, Very truly yours; SECURITY OFFICER \ TMJ sb ENCLOSURES: 1 set of security forms.