August 26, 1959 Dr. Lloyd Berkner Assoclated Universities, Inc. Suite 1750, Coliseum Tower 10 Columbus Circle New York 19, New York Dear Dr. Berkner: Thank you for the coples of your letters dated 17 August addressed to Or. Thomas Francis and Dr. Hugh Odishaw respectively. | am particularly pleased at Francis' enlistment especially in relation to the long-range problem of back contamination. As to Becker's statement, when | first read this myself | had to belleve that "relations with extraterrestrial ltife'’ had to do with the possibility of Intelligent life and should have no bearing on Issues connected with blological research. If there Is any doubt about this then of course we must meke every effort to apprise the State Department people of the sclentific Imp! ications. On the whole It seems to me very nearly futile to attempt to conserve scientific objectives through political negotiation. | don't have the optimism In me to believe that we and the Russians could negotiate a formal agreement which by the remotest Implication could place any restraint on the pursuance of space programs. On these premises It may be just as wall If contamination problems are left out of political negotiations at the United Nations level. Of course they have to be stressed In scientific contacts for example Cospar. In any case |! would share your concern to know the reasons that would underlie the formulation of Becker's quoted position. It Is hard for ine to belleve that any offictal policy tn this area could have been formulated without consultation with the groups on which you are represented. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics