2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE CABLE ADDRESS: NARECO WASHINGTON 25, D. Cc. WASHINGTON, D. C. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SPACE SCIENCE BOARD July 23, 1959 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Dept of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Prof. Lederberg: I have just learned upon my return from Europe of your acceptance as a member of the Space Science Board. This comes as very good news indeed, and I know it is also welcomed by Dr. Hartline in strengthening the biological interests of the Board. Needless to say I was personally gratified that youare now 4 mem- ber of the Board in view of your early and continuing interest in the work of the CETEX and in the space activities of the future. I hope the occasion will arise before the next meeting of the Space Science Board for members of the Board interested in the biological aspects to get together so that a constructive program can be considered, : Sincerely yo ? EL - Ve. Berkner Chairman cc Dr. Odishaw Dr. Hartline Mr. Peavey