July 17, 1959 Or. George Derbyshire Space Science Board Secretatiat National Academy of Sciences Washington 25 0.C. Dear George: 1 am returning your notes with some suggested revisions, mainly rather minor. The main costs of the Westex meetings should be for travel. In view of the momentary postponement of the planetary probes, we probably do not need so intensive a schedule as { had anticipated. @r, Sagan's summer expenses are teing taken up by JPL, and it now appears tnlikely that he would accept the position | had In mind here, on which we would have been a part-time consultant for us. | would not, however, preclude bringing this project up again; ‘'B'' of my memorandum on Westex projects submitted to the last SSB meeting In May. As matters stand now, [| think our committee expenses would be covered for fiscal 1959-1960 by a budget of about $5000. This would include the travel expenses for severalmeetings, and the office costs here as well. This is pos- sibly an ample figure, and somewhat less would probably suffice, though a limi- tation much below this might make us start to think twice about scheduling some meetings. While the continuity of the group is maintained by its regional composition, we have also found [It extremely profitable to bring In individual consultants from some distance, and this expectation is compounded [n the budget. | am enclosing a statement for accumulated expenses -~- { hope the form and content is acceptable. We have been Including these incidental costs in our departmental budget, and could contInue to do so; obviously, if you can reimburse the department for them we would welcome this as a falrer arrangemeht. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics