July 13, 1959 Br. G. A. Derbyshire Space Sclence Board 2101 Constitution Ave. Washington 25, 0. C. Dear Or. Derbyshire: | appreclated your coming out for the meeting. If we can get Fort Detrick to handle the decontamination program ! think we will have made an Important constructive step. Would you want Stanford to handle all the expenses (including travel) for the Westex meetings, etc., and then bill you? We can very well do this and very likely with some saving of time locally In reimbursement. Or do you just mean us to do this for incidental office expenses only, not travel? Could you obtain and furnish about 20 coples of the ''NASA Space Sclences Program'' as appeared e.g., In Astronautics, July '59 for distributlon to Westex? (Since composition and addresses do shift, | think material for distribution to Westex can generally most expedi- tiously be mailed out from this office unless it gets too bulky. | will try to keep you up to date on membership.) | would also be grateful for another half dozen coples of SSB-93. { understand there will be a Speae Science Board meeting in October. If the date's not fixed yet ! should mention that | have to be at Princeton between 12 noon October 19 and 4:30 p.m. October 22. If at all possible ft would welcome a date that would abut this schedule. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg