duly 10, 1959 Or. Detlev W. Bronk, President Wational Academy of Sclences 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington 25, D. C. Dear Or. Bronk: Thank you for your letter of July 8th referring to my appointment to the Space Sclence Board. | will be very happy to contribute to this Important alssion. The only qualification | have to make Is thet the time | can allocate for travel fs limited by my responsibilities to Stenford University and to ay own research In the laboratory. While | strongly hope, of course, that this limitation will not be too serlous an obstacle, let me state that I} will not be In the least offended If Or. Berkner or yourself should eventually prefer a more mobile col league. Having sald this, let me go on to say how very gratified | am that the problems of planetary blology are beginning to be edequately thought of es a vital aspect of our national space program. | have been In touch with a considerable number of my Interested colleagues to discuss these problems and | would make every effort to represent the points of view of an estimable part of the sclentific community in the deliberations of the Board. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics