NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON 25, D.C. 8 July 1959 Dear Dr. Lederberg, It is most gratifying to me to receive the recom- mendation of Lloyd Berkner, as Chairman of our Space Science Board, that you be invited to serve as a member of that Board. I am delighted to act herewith on his recom- mendation, hoping that you will find it possible to accept. The Space Science Board was established to consider both the physical and biological aspects of space science, because of our belief that we have an opportunity and a responsibility to bring together scientists from many fields to give thought to the problems and the implications of man's advance into space, and to find ways to further a wise and vigorous national program in this field. In my original letter to Dr. Berkner upon his appointment a year ago I stated that we would look to the Board to be the focus of the interests and responsibilities of the Academy~-Research Council in space science; to establish necessary relation- ships with non-governmental and governmental scientific ac- tivities; to represent us in our international relations in this field on behalf of American science and scientists; to seek ways to stimulate needed research; to promote the co- ordination of scientific effort; and to provide such advice and recommendations to appropriate individuals and agencies with regard to space science as the Board might deem desir- able. We shall be very glad if you will accept appointment to the Board where you can be of great assistance in advis- ing on the scientific content of the nation's program in ~-2- space science and on our own responsibilities in relation to that program. With cordial good wishes, I am Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California Yours sincerely, Oete C/ Gare Detlev W. Bronk President