TELEPHONE: EXEcuTive 3-8100 CaBLe Avpress: NARECO Wasuincron, D. C. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 11 March 1959 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: At the request of the military services, the Division of Medical Sciences, NAS-NRC, has established the Armed Forces-NRC Committee on Bio-Astronautics under the Chairmanship of Dr. Otto H. Schmitt, Pro- fessor of Physics at the University of Minnesota. Its purpose is "to acquaint scientific investigators with the military requirements for establishing space as an operational medium for man; to consider and report upon military problems relating to manned space operations; to assist in providing sclentists and military personnel with access to scientific and technical information pertaining to the bio-astronau- tical problems of life in space; to promote the exchange of research information on the bio-astronautical problems through such media as meetings, symposia, and forums; to stimulate research on all problems of life in space where deficiencies of knowledge warrant special ef- fort; to further the science of bio-astronautics by encouraging the contribution of the many related fields of science; and to provide specific answers to specific problems posed by the Armed Forces." This office is aware of your interest and contributions to the general field of bio-astronautics. We would appreciate, however, having more detailed information for our files. For this purpose a questionnaire is enclosed. It is hoped that you will be able to supply the needed information at an early date. Sincerely yours, Sam F. Seeley, M. D. Acting Executive Secretary Armed Forces-NRC Committee on Bio-Astronautics SFS/dck Enc.