Dr, Lederberg CABLE ADDRESS: NARECO 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON. D. c. WASHINGTON 28, D. Cc. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SPACE SCIENCE BOARD February 6, 1959 Dr. Peter Alexander Chester Beatty Research Institute Royal Cancer Hospital Fulham Road Leadon 8.W. 3, England Private Dear Dr. Alexander: 1 am writing in response to your letter of January 23, 1959, to Mx. R. G. Peavey, Uafortunately, Dr. Lederberg will be unable to attend the CETEX meeting in the Hague. However, in working with this Board, he has agreed to hold a macting on the subject of contamination soon in order to provide the Beard with some views which might be available in time for CETEX consideration, On the other hand, ome could take a rigorous position on contamination risking serious inhibition of spece research, It ie quite possible th. as ces ain f quite possible that We are beginning to feal that some intermediate position may be desirable--a positive appreach stressing wast cau aad sheuld be done a ia such Sequence bat the ett ely sayerteet ae “ £ ecte of ear ment na “ ly experiments upon leter Since the Beard's views ave etill in flux and premature dissenina- tion of these cursory remarks would be undesirable, I have addressed you privately, chiefly in the hope that we might elicit your own views and suggest our desire te cooperate with you end your colleagues. Sincerely yours, Hugh Odishew Eneoutive Directer cc: Dr. Joshua Lederberg