TeLerHone: EXecutTive 3-8100 CasLe Appress: NARECO Wasuincrton, D. C. § VB NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES “oe. EB NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 20 February 1961 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: Dr. C. J. Lambertsen has requested, through the Space Science Board, that this office assemble and forward to him the minutes of meetings of the technical panels of the Bio-Astronautics Committee and biographical sketches on scientific personnel active in bioastronautics. In the hope that you may also find this information useful, we have prepared identi- cal material for use by your Committee. Under separate cover, we are mailing the minutes of meetings of the Executive Council and technical panels, and a copy of the biographical sketches on scientific personnel. At a later date we will forward the minutes of a meeting of the military representatives to the Executive Council which will contain their recommendations regarding the activities and responsibilities of the panels to be terminated or considered for continuation by the Space Science Board. The staff of the Executive Secretary of the. Bio-Astronautics Com- mittee has attempted to identify scientists and assemble background information on research workers capable of contributing to the de- liberations of the various technical panels or specific working groups under the direction of the panels. The initial background information on the individuals was obtained by means of a questionnaire and in many cases supplemented by information taken from the Men of Science. Biographical sketches have been prepared on approximately 250 people in the bioastronautics field and it has been very useful to our panel chairmen on many occasions. We are very happy to provide the above material and hope you will not hesitate to call upon us for any additional assistance we might render that would insure a continuity of effort between the Bio-Astro- nautics Committee and the Space Science Board. Sincerely, OY loan Clarence C. Cain Asst. Executive Secretary Armed Forces-NRC Committee ccc/dck on Bio-Astronautics