STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS School of Medicine September 26, 1966 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dr. Homer Newell 152ceBahAStreet, N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Homer: This Is to Meeting 3 of the Planetary Sciences Subcommittee. | think we are doing very well in the programming for the 1962 planetary probes and this applies also to 1964 Venus Insofar as we really should not count on a contradiction of the present estimates of a high surface tempera- ture. If the surface Is hot, then the main Item of biological Interest might be the possibility of a biologically Inhabited layer as an aerosol In or beneath the reflecting clouds. However, | suspect that even for this possibility, the best approach is Just the kind of atmospheric chemical analysis that is on the books anyhow. 1964 Mars continues to bother me, especially the virtues of a.drop sonde and whether this should Include a % . biological test. What about another possibility that ! do not belleve v iP ap was discussed at the meeting - a drop designed to culminate Ina sustained \0 di flight at relatively low altitude, say about one kilometer. Pictures from this helght could give another order of surface detail which should be extremely valuable in planning the major Saturn-boosted missions later on. For lift, ! was thinking either of a balloon-or a kite-type of design which should require a minimum of power. The malin poser is whether the information channe! to such a mission would be large enough to recover Some photographs, This device could, of course, also be collecting atmospheric data, at least as well as it could on the ground. And one supposes that the air foils might also do multiple service for antenna radiation and for collecting solar energy. Off-the-cuff, | would definitely prefer this to a biological experiment that might be so indecisive that it generated more confusion than conclusion. Nevertheless, | think we can come up with a detector that wll! do some sort of a job In looking for microblal life. In thinking about this,’! have assumed that we would be constrained to a few pounds of Instruments and a total Information capacity of a few kilobits. Since we are relying so heavily on these premises, I think It would be extremely important to have a carefully considered estimate of the actual capabilities of a Martiahk drop sonde and |} hope that you can get this as the basis of further consultations ! am enclosing a sketch of the small Instrument; there are many Improves. ments that we could and should think of If we had some more leeway In welght and data transmission. | will also be sending a copy of this letter and the sketch to JPL. fork thelr advice. Dr. Newell, cont. 3 September 6, 1960 The minutes on Meeting % made sore mention of a further meeting, presumably in October. | was not sure wnether you intengec ta invite your consultants to this; it happens that 1 will be in Princeton from Sunday evening, October 16 to Wednesday evening, October 19 and could route my trip via Washington at either end ff this could be of any help for further consiceration of these pressing questions, Yours sincerely, JOshua: Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/Jh Enc. | cc; Jet Propulsion Laboratories: Ne. barre