20 January Xf, 1960 Or. Edward L. Glazton Hansen Laboratories Stanford University Stanford, Callfornla Dear Ed: Thanks for your letter of the 19th, and for Dr. Herold's comments. | am sure these are well taken, and if you and he can see no virtues In a spaced plasma, | certainly would not pursue the matter at the present time, Certainly the power supply Is the most formideble problem for any type of propulsion by accelerated partécies, but | had the Impression that the neutralization of the exhaust wes not a negligible one. | was (and am) aware that the aveilebility of negative lons was also a problem, but thought It conceivable that this wes partly due to their neglect in most particle work, and that new approsches coyld be found If there were an Indicated need for thea. Some of the sources | Indicated should not appear too realistic -- from what | have been able to find, possibly only I" and SFs have en adequate precedeat In existing work. As my secretary indicated, | will be happy to Join you for lunch; I'm ale ready tied up for next Wednesday, but Febr. Swill be fine. | don't want to beat a dead horse, if it has expired, but | am Interested In the Imp licae tion thet ‘syndioslonic' beams have In fact not been studied experimentally. A propos another point In discussion, !'ve noted that Consol Idated Systems Corp. has been awarded a $96,000 contract from NASA for work on a alnieturized mass spectrometer, for high-altitude atmospheric analysis. urs fordlally, fA Ap Sm Lederberg