December 24, 1959 Or. Edward Ginzton Hansen Laborator les Stanford University Stanford, Californle Dear Ed: Further to our discussion of syndifonic beams (l.e. clusters of alter- nating charge) In the accelerator. Since last March, | had not given very much thought to this, since It Is so far from my matin Interests, but after our discussion | was moved to look more closely at the literature on nega- tive tons. The outlook for eseful sources of such fons may be brighter than | had previously thought. 1) Enclosed Is one explicit, though roundabout, approach to a alxture of Cs* and 1”. The compl Jcation Is perhaps s}ightly mitigated by having to accelerate a Cs* beam in any case. 2) Resonant capture of electrons may figure prominently. Hickam and Berg, J. Chem. Physics 29: 517, 1958 refer to the formation of F’, SFg~ and Fa tons through the capture of ~ .1 volt electrons In SF-. The relative ylelds depend quite a bit on temperature, energy spectrum and other gases In the mix. One might be fortunate In the balance that Cs) = XBEXPXy 1353; « SF. e 127. I” has also been described as arising by ébctron Impact of to+ @ These references suggest sufficient groundwork to test some of the basic merits of @ syndilonic beam. 3) I would also revert to the more fancl ful Suggestion of exposing an (7? orlented)crystal to high Intensity microwave flelds, with the alm of dislodgéng alternate groups of fons for further acceleration. These would correspond to the field currents from metals. The work function from, say Csi crystals, Is perhaps very high, and it might be worth looking for catelysts to reduce this. Bo you know of any experimental work looking for such currents? (Since the characteristic frequency may be In the tenth-ml1] imeter range, we may be asking questions about the generation of power In the most difficult regton. ) With best wishes for the season, Yours cordially, Joshua Lederberg Enc: p- 77 from Massey, Negative fons, Cambridge, 1950.