Derbyshire Conference on highaltitade telebiolocy, Nay 16, Dear Georges At least tentatively, we have arranged that Monday, May 16 will be satisfactory for our meeting, and I sucgest that you proceed with notices to the exobiclogiate on that basis; sy verification with “el Calvin was throuch hie secretary, but I an sending a eopy of this to him and he will doubtless call you if there is ene hiteh, I eggest then that we meet @ from 10:90 ~« 41:30 (to acoonodate the commters), I hope we om cet the Medical Sehool Faculty toon agains in any cise, the secretary in the dean's office will krow where io co, I sugest that the visitora check in at around 10:00 AM; I ear meet then there, Please let xe know your final registration ligt and requiranents for an; projection equipment. If there is any substantial need for this, we will prebahly find a sore suitable room nearby. ZI ac meatukag counting at sinizos on General Flidjinger ard two AF people in photographic interpretation; Harry Wexler; Sel Calvin: Harold Weaver; mrwelf, I will aleo ask Mike Villard, I would not preas you to make the long hop again yourself, but leave it to you whether you feel you oan er should. I wa leaving fo® Lond_on either Friday or Sanday, and assume that Porter has had no response to hie letter to Mlaganravov, I ean be reached at the Ciba Foundation, 5} Portland Place, ¥, 1 (qnable Cibafound, Wesde, London; phone “USeun 9456) if you have late newson this. I should be bask about the 20022d, in time for the belated trip with 3tanier and Inshenetskii, stily shua Lederberg