UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WEATHER BUREAU WASHINGTON January 20, 1960 IM REPLY. PLEASE ADDRESS CHIEF, U.8. WEATHER BUREAU WASHINGTON 28, D.C. AND REFER TO R-3 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: It was a pleasure to talk to you in Nice and to learn of your interest in observing things on a much finer scale than we in meteorology are accustomed to. Attached herewith I am sending you a couple of reprints on satellite meteorology and a 35 mm color slide of the drawing which is described in the 1954 reprint. With regard to the simulated television version of pictures, we have asked our contact at RCA, Princeton, New Jersey, to send you information on this. If within a few weeks you receive nothing, let us know and we will follow up on it. With best wishes. rry Wexler Director of Meteorological Research Attachment