April 6, 1960 Dr. Harry Wexler Old Annex Bullding, Room 65+C U. S$. Weather Bureau Washington 25, D. C. Dear Harry: Congratulations to NASA and yourself on TIROS. It Is a magnificent accomplishment and | am sure you will be very busy studying the implications of the pictures. The result is also most encouraging for my own interest in transmitting a photomicrograph of planetary microoganisms. NASA is just about to award us a grant for further development of this instrumentation, but we are still going to need a lot of help. | was particularly intrigued by the miniaturized image recorder you use off the vidicon; this should be very dose to what we will be wanting for our exoblological experiment. Can you Indicate how we might go about securing a copy of this system for our own Investigation? {§ am sending a copy of this letter to Clark Randt for what help his office may be able to furnish. t'm looking forward to your visit out here on May 16 for the discussion of high altitide Interpretation. Do you suppose you might have the gadgetry in your coat pocket? Yours as ever, Joshua Lederberg P. S$. 1 will be out of the country ‘til about the 20th of this month. cc: Clark Randt