April 5; 1960 Dr. Clark Randt Headquarters, National Aeronautics & Space Administration 1520 H Street Northwest Washington 25, D. C. Dear Clark: The enclosed letter should be self-explanatory. It might have made more sense to address it to you in the first Instance. Can you see any way to meet my request through NASA channels? We might be able to leapfrog quite a bit by taking advantage of this other work. Is there any way your office can help me keep apprised of other useful and relevant developments in television technique? To be sure, my main concern and responsibility Is the input to the camera, but it Is only good sense to match the admittances. While in London f will be picking up some quartz optics and the McArthur miniature microscope. Actually the latter Is only a mechanical convenience for the intermediate development work, but It does help show the feasibility of a compact microscope and will be a convenient bench on which to fit other elements. ! hope George Derbyshire will have been in touch with you about that May |Sth meeting. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encl.