STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS 17 January 1977 Mr. Erwin J. Janota NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23665 RE: Contract NAS1-9692 Dear Mr. Janota: This is In response to your request for additional information in connection with the proposal for participation in the Viking extended Mission. Task Description: Joshua Lederberg will consult with the team and with NASA management by phone, mail and personal visits to JPL on the planning of Biology experiments, on the interpretation of the data and on the critical review of manuscripts. The effort also includes re- examination of past and current literature bearing on Viking experimental results and discussing this with team members and other interpreters; and presenting Viking experimental results to other interested scientists. Julie Hwang will provide data-processing support to these activities. Travel : 2 days per month at JPL Air fare 51.00 | Parking & auto expense 17.00 Per Diem ($33/day) 66.00 134.00 11/1/76 - 9/31/77 $1,474.00 3 trips to Washington Air fare 326.00 Parking and auto expense 17.00 Per Diem ($33/day) 99.00 442.00 x 3 = $1,326.00 Total Travel------------------------------ $2,800.00 Please let me know if you need additional information.. Sinterely, _— \. “Joshua Lederberg i’ ae DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94303 © (415) 497-5052