JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTFEROFFICE MEMO TO _M. Eimer ‘FROM G. L. Hobby DATE 11/11/60 __ SUBJECT Lederberg Life Detection System for Mars Soft Lander (2966) The proposed overell system can be divided into three subsystems, each eapable of independent as well as integrated operation. The essential funetion of each of the cystems will be phase eontrest microseopy, microabsorptionspectrophotometry, and growth detection. System I. Basic System - Phase Contrast Microscopy A. Punetions i. Collect a sample of dust or soil from the Martien atmosphere or surfece. 2. Trensport the sample to a device which will prepare it for density fractionation. 3. Fraetionate the sample according to particle density. . Transport the low density fraction to the stage of a phase econtrest microseope. 5. Video observation of sample B. Speeifieations 1. Sample Collection ‘@. The method of sempile eollection mst not be from arers subjected to retro-reeket blaste during the landing. b. Partiele size should be limited to that whieh is compatible with optimum sample manipulation and micro- scepie observation. e. Size of sample must be sufficient to ensure « high Probability of obteining a viable particle. «2 2. Prepsretion cf same Sample should be treated to encourage deedsorption of microorganisms fron mineral. particles to provide density separation operation. 3- Mass Density Seperation | a. Partieles having miss densities greater than 1.2 must be seperated fran particles having densities less than 1.2. b. Particles in the class of greeter density will be Qtecardied; perticles cf lower density will be retained for observation. 4. Transport System | The refined sample musi be transported to the stage of the phase contrast microscope for observation under conditions optimal for phese-contrast niecroscopy. 3° Video, phase contrast micrascope system. a. The stage of the miczoseope will require an autefocusing aystem and horizontal alignment capability. bd. Optieal system: 2 Lindel hy | 1) Resolution: 0.5 miarens ( eae) Kay SUNS UL ji 2) Magnification: Approx. 1000 dteneters ( 4oy | 8)\ WyeeAyneran opts 6. Diserimination System a. Will permit observation of particles having internal. structural detail, but not opaque particles or those having homogeneous optical trezamission. bd. Will compress data from selected particles to a specified minimum level in order to reduce bandwidth requirements. System Il. Microahsorptionspectrophotometry The purpose of this experiment will be to obtain absorption spectra of selected particulate material in order to attempt bicehemical. analysis of the chemical eomposition. The experiment will utilize the sample colleetion, processing, fractionation, transport and vidicon microseope of the basic systen. Absorption speetrophotometry will be done on individual perticles. ‘This will require that the stage of the microseope be designed to aligt the selected partiele in the optical center of the microscope in preperation for the spectrometric observation. The monochromator should provide a spectral. coverage between 2400 to 6000,A, with a resolution of 10 A. A compromise system would cover 2:00 to 4400 with 50 A resolution. The detection system should be eapable of observing eight intensity levels. abe Systen ITI Growth Experinent the purpose of this aystem is to attempt to cultivate and grov mieroorgenisms eollected from the soil or atmosphere of Mars. A. Funstions 1. Colleet a seme of soil or dust. &. Sift the gross sample and selest particles of a size consistent with optimal functioning of system. 3+ Deposit these particles in suitable growth eapsules or chambers. 4. Ruriodieally trensport the grovth chambers to the stage of the mieroseope for video inspection. 3+ Or alternatively, periodically transport the grovth capsules to & photomstric deviee for optical density meagurements and to PH meter for pH measurements. B. Speeifieations 2. Semple Collection &. The necessity for sollesting vieble microurganians makes it necessary to consider the possible effeet of retrerceket blests 1f these methods are used on the soft lander. b. If the semile is obtained from the atmosphere of Mars, direst deposition of the solid phase into the grovth eapsules may be possible. However, if soil samples, containing meterial in the form or felatively large grains are obtained sifting of the sample may be necessary to obtain particles whieh may easily be deposited inte the capsules. GLH: aef <-5- 2. Growth Capsules a. Growth capsules mist be transported periodically to the mieroseope stage. b. Severe] hundred eapsules containing different types of growth media will be necessary. ce. The faces of the capsules mst be ecupetible with good optical inspection of the biological samples under the mieroseope. a. The capsule material will require a yrange of optical trensmission from 2400 to 8000 2. e. Capsules must be designed to prevent exeessive evaporation of water from media.