AA. lvsoxes JET PROPULSION LAZORATORY TBENOPFICE MEMO 7 Me. Eimer FROM G. lo Hobby _ DATS Novenber 3, 1960 SUBJECE A Device for the Detection of Microorganisms in the Martian IT. 2s 3. 4, The device will collect fine dust particles fren the Martian etmoaphere. The perticles will be iumoculated inte mall chembers which wili contain o varlety of types of liguld media. ts will. be macs of the imoculated Optical turbidity meas chenbers et programned intervals to determine increases in particle number. pH changes in the media wil aleo be measured at programmed datexvals to detect possible metabolic activity of the innoc- ulated particles. System Deseription ae Esuple Collector The general requiremente of the collection, mechaniam are as follows : &. Frovide the capability of sempling relatively large volunes of the Mertian etmosphere in order to compensate for possible low concentrations of viable particles. (Ten to eueinty-five. liters) be Diseriminate between particle sizes. Size of particles must be optimum Dr imecculation into chaubers end for baving @ high probability of heving « large amber of absorbed microorgenions. ce The mamer of semple collection should be consistent with 2o 30 “Qo simple end effective imoculstion of the growth chambers. Zmmoculation Systen Bo dv. The systen must be designed to permit unsealing and resealing of growth chambers before snd after imnoculation. Imoculun mst not interfere vith subsequent optical turbidity measurements, or pH measurements. The amount Of iumoculus my range from 0.1 to 1.0 ce per chamibex’« Growth Chamber Ge Be Eo a. P. So he Each chamber will provide for 1 milliliter of mediun plus inneculated sample. Walls of chamber must be chemically inert. Toxleity tests ahould be designed for transit time to Mars or longer, (200 to 250 days). Walls of chamber not used in optical observations should hewe very low reflection coefficient. Chembers must permit optical turbidity measurenents. Chambers should include electrodes or other system for pi Total system should consist of 50 to 100 (or more) chambers. Configuration of the chambers mst consider minimm volume requirenents and be consistent with a progremmed sceming of the total chamber system for optical turbidity and pH measure- mazes . All growth chanbers in the system met have the capability of being gealed before and after imoculation. Detecter System Turbidity Re ~3- 1) Only changes in forward scattering of light should be measured. 2) Light source mst be miniaturized and of low pover con- sumption. 3) Idight detector of small size, (possibly photoconductive, FoS, PbSe, or CdSe). 5H Neagurenent 1) Range: 1-14 2) Sensitivity: 0.5 pH unite 3) Measurements mist be made in chamber while sealed.