NATIONAL AERONAUTICS ne AND SPACE CS ADMINISTRATION NASA HEADQUARTERS 1820 H STREET NORTHWEST WASHINGTON 25. D. CG. ‘TELEPHONE: E.XecuTIvE 3-3260 TWX: WA 755 INREPLYREFERTO DI,(RCM: jt) Dr. Joshua Lederberg ey 19 16 Department of Genetics 0 Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: It is my pleasure to invite you and your colleague, Dr. Soffen, to become tentative experimenters on the payload proposed for the 1964 Mariner B mission to Mars. The final payload, designated P70, will be determined as soon as definitive spacecraft information concerning weight, power, volume, telemetry, etc., has become available. In the mean- time, we plan to proceed with the development of the instrumentation required for the abbreviated microscope system experiment for the capsule to determine whether it will be capable of meeting the proposed specifications and of being integrated into the payload. Please contact Dr. G. Neugebauer of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory if you have questions concerning instrument development. Should you require research funds to support the experiment and do not have an existing contract with NASA from which such funds might be made available, please present your budgetary requirements, either individually or as a group, to NASA Headquarters for consideration, A meeting will be held shortly to brief all experi- menters on their role, the payload and its mission, and other pertinent information. You will be notified when the date and location have been determined. Sincerely, Abe Silverstein Direcgor of Space Flight Programs