61 E 12/14 MULTIVATOR Proposal for Martner B Experiment - Capsule May 10, 1961 Submitted by Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine In cooperation with George Hobby and Jerry Stewart, Jet Propuiston Laboratory The multivator is a miniature, multiple purpose ''laboratory" In which a serles of simple measurements can be made on samples of atmospheric dust. A variety of measurements are proposed, and others are to be considered. They have the common feature of testing a small sample of dust with a fluld reagent, and of giving a read-out by simple optical or electrometric measurement. in addition to a determination of solution or suspension properties (turbidity, pH, conductivity) the estimation of phosphatase and other enzymes for which ultramicro-tests are available would be of great help In estimating the possIble existence of life on Mars. The multivator Is a miniature, multiple purpose "laboratory In which a series of simple measurements can be made on samples of atmospheric dust. A varlety of measurements are proposed, and others are to be considered. They have the common feature of testing a smal! sample of dust with a flufd reagent, and of giving a read-out by a simple optical or electrometric measurement. The device was originally conceived to attempt to cultivate Martian microorganisms In defined culture media, but brief communication times make it unlikely that changes based on growth could be observed. The effectiveness of the multivator depends on 1) the acquisition of samples of surface material from atmospheric dust or from the ground, and 2) the choice of feasf{ble but Informative and sensitive tests to conduct on these samples. Part one will be the special responsibility of the development group at JPL. Part two will be the preoccupation of the Exobfology Laboratory at Stanford University. Our continuing studies are based on the assumption that several samples of about one milligram of surface material will be avallable (''Clean'’ terrestrial alr contains -— one milligram dust per 10M2: a 100 km column of 1 em cross section). Plainly thls assumption would most readily be satisfied with access to the ground environment; however, Mars' atmosphere may be dustfer than the Earth's. Of the biologicatly oriented experiments proposed hereinbelow, the determination of phosphatase with the use of substrates that release a fluorescent chromogen appears to be the most promising gamble fer the detection of evidence of life. We propose a device containing 2% test chambers (two circular plates with 12 each) containing about one ml of fiuld each and Into which the dust sample can be Introduced. The plate will be rotated on [ts axle to allow each chamber In turn to intercept a light beam for photometric measurements. Other chambers wili have built-in electrodes for measurements of electric conductivity or potential. The JPL will assume responsibillty for and has begun preliminary work on the problems of mechanical design of the multivator and the collection of the dust. The Exoblology laboratory at Stanford wlll conduct the calibration of sultable test reactions and attempt to develop more sensitive and reliable assays. The followfng measuremants are now proposed or under review to be conducted on aqueous susponstons of the dust samples. Refined variants are also indicated. In some cases, the same chamber can be used for several parallel measurements. A. Solution Properties 1. 2. 3» Turbidity = for rough calibration of further experiments pu Conductivity oG- polarographic measurement (help to Ident! fy any electrolytes). B. Enzyme Tests 1. 2. 3 Cc. 2. 3. Phosphatase =~ colorimetric test by splitting of p-nitrophenyl phosphate to release nitrophenol A - fluorimetric test by splitting of fluorescent phosphates Deoxyribonuclease = conductimetric test by release of dialyzable nucleotides from DNA - colorimetric test by splitting of p-nitropheny!l-thymldine-phosphate Ribonuclease - tests analogous to 82 with RNA substrates Other esterases (suifatase, acylase) and glycosidases by methods analogous to 4, Electron transfer enzymes Substrates for electron transfer enzymes Microbial growth on defined media by changes In turbidity, conductivity or pH of the biochemical tests. Phosphatases (B44) are among the most ubiquitous enzymes - | know of no tissue or organism that has failed to show them = and they can be readily cemonstrated in small samples of soll, dust, sediment from tap water, sea water (about 3 x 1079 moles of nitropheno! released per milligram soil per hour). This is just within comfortable detectivity In a laboratory spectrophotometer, and might also be achieved by differential coloiimetry in a compact device. For example, a dual light source might consist of two pin lamps with differential filters, and driven by AC modulated in opposite phase. Differential absorption of one color would be recognized as an AC output from the detector, This list Is oriented to the detection of clues to life. In addition, the measures of part A, together with other microscopic and video reconnaissance studies will be invaluable preparation for the more ambitious efforts of the Voyager series. We are studying the extension of these microtests for phosohatase and other enzymes as well as possible artifacts and improvements. The presence of phosphatase activity In soil would be presumptive evidence of life related to the utilization of phosphate and can establish the limits of its prevalence. The sensitivity of this test can be augmented by the use of fluorescent substrates, Dr. Rotman (now working tn my laboratory) has shown that the detectivity with these substrates is several orders of magnitude higher than with nitrophenyl compounds: and he can readily demonstrate the enzyme level of single bacteria, perhaps even single enzyme molecules. Equally important and widespread enzymes are the nucleases, We are studying ultramicro methods for these. One possibility fs to contain the reaction mixture in a dialysis sac within the multivator chamber, with a film of distilled water in contact with probe electrodes. The release of low molecular weight, dlalyzable nucleotides would be signalled by an increased electrolytic conductivity between the electrodes. Whether thls can be made sensitive enough depends partly on the electrolyte content of the soll Itself. The Instrumental aspects of this proposal can be discussed by JPL, As a preliminary estimate, the design would cost about 5 Ibs (mostiy the dust collection which might be integrated Into the structure of the capsule) and <5 watts power. The Information output would be of the order of 1-10 bits per’ secoid. We are considering further ways of minimizing the welght of the package, The reagents themselves would, of course, welgh only an ounce altogether; and the signal outputs are as simple as from any transducer. lt would, of course, be foolish to delay too long the final deciston on test reactions and the ways these can be incorporated into the multivator. However, the studies on ultramicro assay methods can proceed In parallel with the mechanical and electronic design of the multivator since the basic output from the chamber will be the same regardless of the type of reagent used for the Individual test and of the choice between a photometric or more direct electro= metric estimation. The work at Stanford Is already adequately funded as an aspect of our current Investigations and we are adding additional staff during the next two or three months to help to accelerate them. Additional support may wel! be required for the instrument development work at JPL. It should be possible to construct at least an elementary version of the multivator with tests and controls for, say, Items A, 1, 2, 3 and BI, withIn the indicated schedule.