July 12, 1951. Mr. R. S. Benham, Department of Medicins, University of Chicago, Chicago 27, Olinois. Dear Benhan- You will, of course, be most welcome to visit here. Miss Crawford, our Medical Librarian, assures me that you may feel free to use our library facilities without charge. I do hope that our facilities will be adequate for you: our library system is rather fragmented, and you might have to hunt around some of the various departmental libraries (Blology, Agriculture, Chemistry ag well as “iedical) to find all of your material. However, the Medical library has duplicated some of the more important journals in related fields. There is, of course, no inconvenience to me involved. On the contrary, I hope that you will have time to relax from your reading to visit our laboratory and see what we have been doing with some of the coli strains. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg.