OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM ¢ STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT: JUN 9 Dare: June 7, 1965 Robert M. Rosenzweig Associate Dean of Graduate Division Computer Science Department NASA proposal for McCarthy and Lederberg Attached is a copy of the proposal entitled "A Proposal for the Study of Computer Control of External Devices and an Automated Biological Laboratory" for submission to NASA. Professors McCarthy and Lederberg will be the principal investigators, and the attached copy has McCarthy's and Forsythe's signatures. Also enclosed are 15 additional unsigned copies. You should at the same time be receiving a& copy which has been signed by Professor Lederberg and Acting Dean Raffel from the Medical School. This present proposal to NASA is complementary to Professor McCarthy's ARPA proposal, which was submitted March 1, 1965. As explained in the proposal, the purpose of the request to NASA is to request funds to expand the computer configuration and to share operating costs that are common to both ARPA and NASA interests, A third part of the request is for funds for expanding present research being performed in the Instrumentation Research Laboratory. We have had word from the ARPA cognizant technical officer that the March 1 proposal will be funded to the extend of 1.5 million dollars; but Stanford's Research Contracts Office has not yet received the amendment to Professor McCarthy's ARPA contract, SD-183, We are submitting this proposal to NASA as a request for a grant, but we used the Department of Defence formula for indirect costs. I do not know whether your office prefers grants or contracts from NASA; I understand they may write either. Since the ARPA portion is funded as a contract, there may be fewer administrative problems if NASA were to fund their research in the same manner. Another reason for using the DOD indirect costs forma is the present uncertain status of allowable indirect costs of grant support. This present proposal is to be submitted to Mr. T.L.K. Small, Office of Grants and Research Contracts of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington 25, D. C. Robert J. Langle RJL: sws ccs w. encl., R. Bacchetti D. Heebink wo. encl. G. Forsythe J. McCarthy _~ J. Lederberg 1965 WNONVYOWAW 3D1ddO © ALISYTAINN GYOINVIS @ WNONVYOWIW JD1sdO © ALISYJAINN GYOANVIS © WNGNVYOWSW 3314d0 © ALISUJAINN GYOANVIS ¢