June 7, 1965 Dr. Orr E. Reynolds, Director Bioscience Programs Office of Space Sciences and Applications National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington 25, D. C. Dear Orr: I am enclosing a copy of the proposal designated as "A Proposal for the Btudy of Computer Control of External Devices and an Automated Biological Laboratoryā€¯ that we are now sending through formal University channels for approval. For the most part I think it speaks for itself. However, I think I should stress that it falls somewhat short of the full-blown phase 0 effort that is mentioned in smseoff my earlier memoranda. The main discrepancy is that under this proposal we still do not take responsibility for comprehensive systems studies that will be needed before very long to tie together a workable package. As you know, we are still looking for constructive ways to get on with our planning with respect to this level of operation so that we can submit more formal proposals for it. Meantime, the work outlined in the present pro- posal will go very far indeed to developing and demonstrating many of the necessary components of such a system. Cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics