Reverb ‘ Oo January 25, 1962 My. Oran W. Nicks, Director Lunar and Planetary Programs National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1520 H Street, Northwest Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Nicks: Subject: Summry of Spacecraft Sterilization Provram I. Origin of the Sterilization Requirement In April 1958, the International Council of Scientific Unions, (ICSU), set up an ad hoc committee to consider the possible effect of the chemical and biological contamination of extra-terrestrial bodies by space probes. The CETEX, (Committee on Contamination by Fxtraterrestrial Exploration), decided that early landings of spacecraft on the moon or planets might seriously interfere with subsequent research and suggested that an internationally recognized code of conduct be established to minimize extra~-terrestrial contam- ination. The commi:tee recognized that risks must be taken but recommended that they should be made as small as possible. Special concern was expressed over biological contamination in the form of terrestrial microorginisms and aivised that a study of the problem of spacecraft stcrilization be immediately undertaken. The ‘iestex committee, (Comnittee on Exoblology), of the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences and the iRC-Armed Forces Bioastronatuics Committee also deliber~ ated on the problem of biological contamination and expressed deep concern over the possible camage to biologic:] investi- gations on extra-terrestrial bod!es by inadvertantly seeding them with terrestrial organisms. js a result, both comaittees recommended to the “ASA that immediate steps be taken to implement - study to develop spacecraft decontamination procedures. Mr. oO. We Nicks - 2 ~ Jan. 25, 1962 In October 1959, the NASA adopted a policy initiating & program for the study and application of methods for the biological decontamination of all spacecraft having a pro- bability of impacting or landing on the moon or planets. Chief responsibility for this procrim was delegated to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. II. The Problem of Spacecraft Sterilisation The problem of extra~terrestrial contamination mst be considered for three types of missions: 1) the fly-by, in which the spacecraft approaches the planet sufficiently close to mak: worthwhile observations, 2) the orbiting vehicle, 3) the lander. The flyby spacecraft need not be subjected to direct sterilization procedures if its trajec- tory is calculated for very low probability of impact. Anticipated fly-by missions in the current U.5. space explor- ation program assumes safe, non-impact trajectories so that no spacecraft sterilization requirement is necessary. Spacecraft which are to be put into orbit around a Planet mst undergo a sterilization treatment, since the probability of accidental impact will be relatively hich. likewise, all landers must be sterilized, . Consideration mist also be given to possible impact of the final stage boost vehicles which have a high changes of impacting the extra-terrestrial bodies along with the spacecraft. Such vehicles will be prevented from impacting by including a retro-rocket on the booster to deflect it, from an L-pact trajectory after separation from the spacecraft. The application of biological decontamination techniques to spacecraft presents a number of very difficult problezs. Since biological sterility is defined as the com lete absence of living or viable organisms, the objective of spacecrift sterilization is to achieve biological sterility to a very high degree of probability. In order to accomplish this it is necessary to apply sufficiently powerful sterilizing methods to destroy viable microorganisms without degrading the functional performince of the spacecraft. This is the crux of the space- craft sterilization problem. ‘nother serious difziculty involves the integration of these methods into very complex assembly, test, and operational proccdures which usually :mst be performed under a very close scheiule. fo method of sterilization existe which is not time consuming ani which does not require some skill and careful control in application, Therefore » sterilization Mr. GO. We Nicks ~3- Jan. 25, 1962 imposes a severe burden on the engineering schedule and the engineering groups responsible for the preparation and flight of the spacecraft. The solutions to these general problems requires tine, money, and mich effort. Time is recuired to develop space- craft hardware that is durable to stcrilisation methods and to develop improved sterilisation techniques and precedurcs which will reduce the effecte on engineering sche‘ules and hardware. Under the conditions of the present accelerated space prorram, research and development in this area is a problem in Zeelf particularly because of time limitations. III. Status of U. S. Sterilisation Program The current procedures include methods to destroy micro- organisms that may have become imbedded in plastic materiale or electronic components, methods to sterilize the surfaces which are mated during the assembly procedure, methods to decontaminate all externally exposed surfaces of the assenbled spacecraft, and methods to maintain the sterility of the space- craft after the final sterilization operation. To ensure that plastic materials and electronic compon- ents arc free of viable microorganisas, all materials, components and sub-systems which are ot degraded by thermal exposure are subjected to a dry heat sterilization cycle of 125% for 24 hours. If a sub-system contains one or more components which will not endure the thermal exposure, it ‘sa. first heated with- out the heat sensitive elements. The sensitive element is separately sterilised by other methods such as radiation exposure or sterile fabrication. In a very small nuaber of cases, neithcr heat, radiation, or sterile fabrication is possible. The sensitive component is then added to the huat sterilized sub-aystom by sterile aseembly procedures. This requires placing the sub-assembly and the component in a suitable transparent isolator which permits a technician to perform the assembly with rubber gloves sealed to holes in the wall of the box. The surfaces of all mterials are — sterilised just prior to asseably by a sterilizing gas. The component is then added to the subsystem under completely sterile conditions. Surfaces that are mtcd during the assembly procedure are thoroughly scrubbed with isopropyl alconol before joining them together. However, much more powerful liquid sterilizing agents are under study which will be available in the near future. Mr. 0. W. Nicks ad 4 - Jan. 255 1962 After the conclusion of the assembly and test operations, all exposed surfaces of the spacecraft are subjected to a sterilising gas mixture conposed of 12 per cent ethylene oxide and &8 per cent Freon-12, for 11 kours, at 35 to 45 per cent relative humidity and at room temperature. This operation is performed by placing the spacecraft within a chamber consist~ ing of tho vehicle nose cone which has bsen designed with sufficient sealing to function us a gassing chamber and as a protection against décontaminition after sterilisation. The nose cone is rot removed until the spacecraft 4s ejected beyond the atmosnhere of the earth. Using the above methods, the present sterilization pro- cedure for lunar spacecraft c sists of first heating the largest sub-assemblies consist with the number of heat sensitive parts in the system. ileat sensitive components are then added to the sub-assumblies by sterile assembly techniques. Sub-assembiks are then fitted together using liquid sterilante to stcrilize mating surfaces before join- ing. After final test operations are performed » the spacecraft is exposed to the sterilizing gas mixture for eleven hours after which the gas is purged from the chamber with nitrogen sterilized by passage through a bacteriological filter. The spacecraft is thereafter protected from further contamination during field operations and launch. Although the current sterilization procedures are con- sidered adequate for the varly lunar missions, more stringent methods are boing contemplated for future planetary spacecraft. Current studies have shown that the dry heat sterilisation oyele of 125 derrees cuntifrado for 24 hours appears to be adequate for destroying organiems dceply imbedded in Plastics and electronic components. However, further studies will be made to assure that this techniqe is entirely adequate in all cases, or whether longer times and higher temp:ratures will be renuired to sterilize with certainty. The use of licuid sterilants in assembly operations is considcred undesirable for planetary spacecraft sterilization or whenever the highest decree of decontamination is required, It is intended that the use of this method will be minimised. The use of liquid storilents involves hundreds of individual sterilizing operations and consequently reduces the certainty of sterility due to the chances of errors in application. In cases where they must be used, it will be necessary to enforce strict control over the procedure. Although gaseous sterili-~ aation is one of the best available methods, it is time consuming and will not penetrate deep into materials to sterilize imbedded microorganisms. Mr.. 0. W. Nicks bl 5 = Jan. 25; 1962 The present thinking on achieving highly efficient decontamination involves the concept of thermal sterili- zation of the completely assembled spacecraft under a sealed nose cone or shroud. Under these conditions, both aurface and internal sterilization could be performed simitaneously. This technique would greztly increase the probability of achieving complete biological decon-~ tamination of the spacecraft by reducing the procedure to a single, controlled operation, instead of many operations. It would relieve the engineering groups of the responsibility of integrating sterilization into each individual sub-system aesembly and testing pro- cedure, and would reduce the decontamination process to the minimum of operational complexity. However, in order to accomplish this objective a considerably large engineering effort will be involved in order to develop a spacecraft system composed completely of thermally stable elements. In existing lunar spacecraft an estimated 99 percent of the electronic components can survive and function after the heat sterilization cycle. Many of the components are designed to operate at high temperatures without special fabrication. At least 99 per cent of the plastic materials included in these spacecraft will also endure this cycle. Ffforte are being made to initiate hardware development in a few areas that will not permit sterilization by heat. The most important heat sensitive components are batteries, solid propellants, transistors and diodes, magnetic tapes, and pyrotechnic actuators. Although the relative number of thermally sensitive devices is small, the engineering effort required to replace them with stable devices will be large. Other problem areas which will be investigated are the long term effects of the heat cycle on components, i.e., effects on the expected life of the component after heating, and the effects on system calibration, because with a final thermal sterilization technioue, systems that have drifted out of calibration cannot be directly recalibrated. IV. Evaluation of the Sterilization Reouirements Because of the hardship introduced into the engineering phases of the national space program, and the high cost. in dollars and man hours, which are impiied in the sterilization requirements, consideration of the recessity of this requirement should be made. Mr. 0. Ww. Nicks - 6 - Jan. 25, 1962 The scientific value of the sterilization program is undeniable despite objections to the contrary by one or two reputable scientists. The essence for the defence of spacecraft sterilization rests in the fact that no direct knowledge is available about the surface environments of extra~terrestrial bodies, rug.rdless of the theoretical considerations upon which the importance of sterilisation is denied. The possibilities which concern reputuible bio- logiste do exist, and it will be im ssible to determine if there really is a sterilisation problem until actual observations are obtained at the surface of these bodies. Early space probe experiments should be designed to do this. Due to the extreme importance that information on extra-terrestrial biolo;y would have on umderatanding the nature and origin of life, and the fact that a single space probe bearing a single viable micreorganiam could potentially destroy forever, the validity of this infor~ mation, the sterilization of such spacecraft seems necessary from a moral and political standpoint as well as a scientific one. However, reasonable riske will be necessary because it will be impossible to land on the moon or the Planets without some chance of introducing a biological contaminate. No method is perfect no matter how well thought out and tested. Nevertheless, our methods should be made as perfect as possible so that every reasonable precaution will have been taken to ersure the integrity of our studies. Even though detailed knowledge of the Junar surface is small, knowledge about the atmosphere, surface temperatures and ultru-violet radiation levels are know to a high degree of confidence. On the basis of this k-owledge, most bio-~ logists agree that risks to scientific exploration are not dangerously high if sufficiently small amounts of biological material were :ccidentally landed on the moon. Microorganisms landed on the lunar surface would not be expected to grow because of the lack of water, nor would they survive for long because of the intense ultraviolet radiation striking the surface and the high surface temperatures. However, micro- organiems which were imbedded beneath a layer of dust would be protected against both ultraviolet and high temperatures. Under these conditions some microorganisms might be expected to survive in a dormant state for very long periods of time. The emiy danger to subsequent investigations would be in the re-detection of these dormant contaminants. If such contam inants were kept very small and confined to small areas of Mr. 0. W. Nicks -7- Jan. 25, 1962 the moon's surface, the probability of detecting then at a later time would be insignificant. Nevertheless, strict requirements for keeping the contamination of the moon to an absolute minimus has im ortant side benefite. Ffforts to decontaminate lunar spacecraft are important in develop- ing stcrilization techniques of the highest efficiency for planetary missions. The sterilisation requiroments for the planets, however, whould be made as stringent as possible. while recent temp- eraturu measurements on the surface of Venus indLoate, temperature incompatible with the existence of any know fora of terrestrial life, there is yot/iiicertainty ubout the observations. Several kinds of observations are indicative of an endogenous Martian biology which will be important to protect from contaminated spacecraft. Also, our current knowledge of Mare indicates that some form of terrestrial microorganisns might be active if landed. The validity of this can only Le determined by a closcr examine ation of the planet. The cost of sterilisation in dollirs and cents, is trivial compared with the total space budget. The cost in time spent on special engineering problezs appears fairly large. However, the development of heat sterilisable spacecraft could produce important incidental benefits. Such spacecraft would undoubt- edly have inoreased reliability, and would be co::siderably more durable to the espace environment. In the long tera thie could advance spacccraft technology significantly. The time and money expended in spacecraft sturilisation must be considered an investacnt. If sti:rilisation proves to be necessary it will have been north all of the time, money and effort. If 1t proves unnecessary we will have obtaincd some side benefits and the assurance that we have conscicntiously performed our duty to scie:ce and society. However, if we do not exert serious efforts in this area, and it turns out to have be:n necessiry after all, we may be in the rosition of having destroyed the most signi- ficant scientific discoveries in human history. Ve Summary The most reputable national and international scientific organisations have recommended that sterilisation of space~ craft Le made an important part of the space exploration Mr. 0. W. Nicks -~ 8- Jane 25, 1962 program. In response to these recommendations the NASA has initiated the study and execution of a program to decontam- inate all lunar and planetary spacecraft. Difficult engincering and biological problems are involved in the execution of this program ineluding the development of effective sterilisation methods, and ace elorment of methods for integrating the engineering asterilisation proc-duree. Very good progruss has been made in sterilising early lunar sprcecraft using heat to sterilize electronic components and materials, liquids to sterilise surfacce during asevmbly, and ethylene oxide gas mixtures for the final sterilisation of the surfacos of the completely assombled spacocraft. Efrorts are buing made te siw:lify proccdures and increase the effectivences of steri- vation methods for future spacecraft. Such efforts, although expensive in the absolute scnse coat little in terms of the total space budget and the moral, political and scientific obligations to future generations. Sineerely yours, JET PROPULSION LABORATORY George L. Hobby, Group Supervisor Space Biology Group GLH/d1.j