oe ee Department of Genetics Febr. 23, 1959 Or. Rithard Davies Jet Propulsion Laboratories California Institute of Technology Pasadena 4, California Dear Dick: A propos the Cytherian atmosphere, some useful figures are in Hutchinson's chapter in THE E@RTH AS A PLANET. Fossil carbon adds up to 18 kg/cm® ; atmospheric COz is 460 mg/cm™, for a ratio of about 40,000:1. Hess reports the Cytherian atmosphere as be/lng about 500X richer in co¥ than ours. 1 am not clear whether this can be a measurement of the total atmospheric content, or only that part above the cloud mass. The terrestrial atmosphere contains about 1:3000 C0e ; the Cytherlan atmosphere would have to have a substantial cpmponent at 10 atm. or higher pressure for it to contain an amount of COo equivalent to the total carbonate sedimented on earth. Perhaps It does. The blosphere may contain bard ee Pe GBunhhaRexGRe thee oc S camuinakenaxzex of which perhaps 1-10 pc. is 'living'. This would be roughly comparable to atmospheric C0zg on earth, and considerably less gaya than Venus by this estimate. In any case, | don't see how one can draw any paxkkeukka particular inferences, The biosphere Is only a small part of the total carbon, and whether the rest Is locked away as carbonate sediments or as atmospheric COa seems to me to depend more directly on other factors than the metabolism of the biosphere. (1 should have stressed that 'fossil' carbon includes 2-3X as much carbonate as reduced carbon). StIl] on Venus, you might dom us a great service for the next meeting if you could get someone to give us a more critical appraisal of the temperature profile. Is the 200° estimate highly plausible, and does it necessarily apply to the surface or to some layer perhaps just beneath the clouds, or above them for that matter’ Hess nas an oblique comment about possible ‘electric’ rather than thermal activation of the emitting layer-- what does that mean? If you could get someone to review what the earth would lé@e like from Venus by inference from the same methéds, we might have a better perspective. | expect you walked off, inadvertently, with my potential dlagram-- unhapplly that is my only copy. I am sure that this does not represent a minimum-energy path for e collision, and possibly not even for soft landing. The line Integral you're thinking of would apply to a conservative system, but I'm adding up the labsolute! values for each step, since the rocket has to do work ammkka equally to accelerate or decelerate. The paths I've pictured would be: @ from earth's surface to solar orbit at 1 A.U. (= escape from earth's field), @ circular orbit at 1 A.U. to circular orbit at 1.52 AU. (= co-orbital with Mars and at equal velocéty (© work to decelerate In Mars" fleld (« escape from Mars). A gaxkag grazing orbit, i.e., ellipse with apahelion at 1.52 A.U. would reduce(b) to about half, and if the velocities were in the right sense, (©) might also be partly reduced, { haven't worked this out carefully, and would be grateful if one of your experts could reduce the results to the simple graphical form Indicated. This may not be terribly Important any more, but it would be Interested to see at a glance what the energy cost of sarious missions was.