September 28, 1959 Or. George A. DerbyshIre Space Sclence Board National Academy of Sclences 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington 25, D. C. Greetings: You may remember some questions came up relating to classified Air Force Information. Could you and SSB lend a hand to declassIfy it, or at least to make {[t avallable to the Board (1) The volume density of microorganisms at high altitudes (stratosphere) and thelr viabllity In this environment (2) The average spectral-reflection profile In the Infra-red as seen from high-flying alrcraft over major types of terrain: water, desert, forest. From this we could compute the IR spectrum of the earth as seen by a satellite, which would be a model for a Martian probe. We should particularly want to see the spectrum In the 'window'!' ~ 3.3 -- 4.7u / Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg P.S.- May | ask you to send SSB-109 direct to Westex distribution according to attached list? Thank you.